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Intra-articular Joint Injection

Intra-articular joint injection is a steroid or anti-inflammatory injection within the joint space. This type of injection may be done in any joint of the body, such as the shoulder, elbow, hip, sacroiliac (SI), or knee. The steroid works to reduce inflammation and irritation occurring within the joint space which often improves your pain symptoms.

Before the procedure
  • The procedure may be performed with or without x-ray in the office or procedure suite, depending on the joint and patient.
  • You may be asked to have a driver available to get you home safely post procedure.
What to expect
  • You will first be taken to the office exam room or pre-procedure area where we will take your vital signs, have you sign the consent form, and answer questions about the procedure.
  • Once in the procedure area, your skin will be cleaned with antibacterial soap and medications will be prepared.
  • The procedure typically takes about 10 minutes.
  • X-ray guidance may or may not be needed.
  • Staff will walk you through all aspects of the procedure as they are happening.
  • You will be allowed to leave 10-30 minutes post procedure or as determined safe by staff.
After the procedure
  • You will be given written discharge instructions to refer to post procedure
  • Rest and limiting strenuous activity for a few days is typically recommended
  • Ice and medications previously used for pain may be used immediately and for the next few days as needed.
  • Pain relief typically occurs 3-10 days post injection. Although you may notice improvement sooner.
  • Follow up with your referring provider to document your response and discuss your treatment plan.