Why You Need to Know About Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine is a cutting-edge field that focuses on repairing the body instead of just treating the symptoms. Think of how a cut heals or a bone grows back together after a break. Regenerative medicine treatments replicate these processes by using the body's own natural healing mechanisms to repair damaged tissue and organs.
While aspects of regenerative medicine have been around since the early Greeks, the term became popular in 1999. The field has grown exponentially over the last 15 years. This is exciting news in the medical community and for those with debilitating illnesses and injuries.
Do You Suffer From Pain?
Are you one of the over 50 million Americans who suffer from chronic pain? Living a life with constant pain, whether it is a dull ache, shooting, or throbbing, is exhausting. Not only does it impair physical movements, but it can also lead to poor mental health, a loss of self-esteem, and depression. Leading causes of pain include arthritis, especially osteoarthritis, injuries, and degenerative disease.
Traditional Treatments for Pain
Traditional treatments for pain often provide short-term or temporary relief. Conditions such as osteoarthritis or joint disease, are progressive and often lead to surgical intervention. Regenerative medicine works by slowing down and repairing the injured tissue. This allows you to avoid surgery and continue to lead an active lifestyle without pain.
How is Regenerative Medicine Different?
Instead of focusing on and treating the symptoms of disease or injury, regenerative medicine harnesses the body's own healing power to promote tissue regeneration. Two treatments proven to be effective are Stem Cell Therapy and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy. Discover both at Physical Medicine Consultants (PMC), specialists in regenerative medicine.
Stem cells have the unique ability to transform themselves into any other cell in your body. At PMC, adult stem cells are harvested from your bone marrow and injected where needed. Your body automatically knows how to change these stem cells to grow healthy tissue and provide healing at the cellular level.
Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) also uses your own body's resources to heal itself. In PRP, injections of concentrated platelets from your own blood to areas causing pain amplifies natural growth factors. Expect faster recovery time of injured tissue, reduced pain and inflammation, and long-lasting results.
Are you a Good Candidate for Regenerative Medicine?
Anyone suffering from an acute injury or chronic joint pain may be a good candidate for regenerative medicine. Find relief from osteoarthritis, partial tendon tears, muscle strains, ligament sprains, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, and degenerative disc disease of the spine. PMC carefully evaluates each patient to ensure any treatment is safe for them.
Who are Physical Medicine Consultants?
Physical Medicine Consultants consists of an experienced team of physicians, nurse practitioners, and a large staff passionate to make non-surgical, conservative options more accessible to patients suffering pain.
Founded in 2007 by Dr. Thomas Lazoff, Dr. David Stensland, and Dr. Mark Zolman, all three physicians are double certified by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the American Board of Pain Medicine.
The mission of PMC is to be the preferred partner for restoring the body to optimal health and to be the most trusted and respected resource for services, information, and education related to physical medicine and pain management.
To learn more about effective regenerative medicine options or to schedule a consultation, contact Physical Medicine Consultants today.